Mercado negro (Kurt Land, 1953): Crime Cinema, State Propaganda and Moral Ambiguity


  • Pablo Rubio Gijón United States International University, Kenia



Argentine Cinema, Police Fiction, Melodrama, Peronism, Institutional Propaganda


This essay aims to analyze Mercado negro (Kurt Land, 1953), an Argentine crime film that not only praises certain State institutions such as the Argentine National Gendarmerie and the Federal Police, but also alludes to the social policies implemented by the Peronist government. These messages invade the film’s plot in order to leave proof of the reforms and achievements obtained or projected by the two Peronist five-year plans of 1947-1951 and 1952-1955. However, by means of a thorough analysis it is possible to glimpse small areas of ambiguity that this genre, from its own fundamental approaches and alleged ideological rigidity in a political context such as Peronism, can allow. That is to say, in spite of its propagandistic function, Mercado negro may lend itself to an interpretation from the ideological nonconformity through the audacity it displays as it presents alternatively the criminal’s most humane side.


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How to Cite

Rubio Gijón, P. (2023). Mercado negro (Kurt Land, 1953): Crime Cinema, State Propaganda and Moral Ambiguity. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, (9), 193–203.


