Otherness in María (1867), by Jorge Isaacs, and Sab (1841), by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda
María, Sab, Otherness, Dehumanization, PowerAbstract
The question of the Other is a constant in the history of literature. The other, the rejected, has always been there, to a greater or lesser extent depending on the era. Man has faced this reflection of himself with ambivalence and even fear, without realising that this Other, so often rejected, is nothing more than an external projection of himself. In this paper, we propose to approach this theme through two works that show the conflict between the utopia of colonial life and the reality of the subordinates and slaves that sustained it: the novel María by Jorge Isaacs and Sab by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda. To do so, we will study the vision of the Other in both novels through a comparative analysis that will allow us to observe how a process of visible concealment of the Other is produced as a rupture in an idealised narrative of the society of the time.
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