Slaves' Insurance Companies in Cuba, Nineteenth Century


  • Rosell Cruz Pasos Investigador independiente, Cuba



Slaves’ Insurance Companies, Insurance History in Cuba


In 1833, two insurance companies were created in Havana with specific and different objectives from the rest: to financially protect both the slave trade and the stay of slaves in the productive unit, with which slave owners and slaveholders individually protected themselves against the loss of their merchandise, the former, and his property, the latter. To do so, they had to apply the double condition of merchandise and movable property to the African, a necessary binomial because they were two different moments of slavery: the massive transatlantic transportation of Humans beings, for which the millennial and well-known maritime insurance was used, only specially authorized for this particular case of “merchandise”; and, the stay of the slave in the place assigned to exploit it, for which a new type of insurance company was instituted to secure the most precious asset of the slave owner. Likewise, the article evidence that in no case what is offered by insurance company could be called life insurance, comparing them with the insurance companies that carried out similar coverage in others countries.


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How to Cite

Cruz Pasos, R. (2021). Slaves’ Insurance Companies in Cuba, Nineteenth Century. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, (7), 31–52.


