The Silence of What Is Excluded from the Logos: the Other Side of Reality
Mirror, Rupture, True, Silence, True SelfAbstract
From the classical times until the romantic period arts imitated the reality because there wasn’t an ontological argument which raised against this wiew. This was a mirror which reflected the reality of the world whitout ideologically questioning if this was the best posible wiew or not. During romanticisim, an esthetical rupture begins based on the idea that there is another face apart from what we set as true which is hidden in another world of imagination, poetry, dreams and the subjetive. Silence implies the search of a truth placed outside of the expressible, thinkable, liveable. This happens because the world has been built as a prision with iron bars of language and walls of thought which have not allowed the true self to rise free from those imposed duties.
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