Boundaries and Margins: A Reading of Roberto Bolaño's Short Story ´El Ojo Silva´


  • Shihao Liu Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España
  • Alena Bukhalovskaya Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España



Roberto Bolaño, Boundaries, Marginality, Migrant, Monster


This article develops an analysis of the configuration of border and marginality in Roberto Bolaño's short story 'El Ojo Silva', collected in Putas asesinas (2001), focusing in particular on the character of the Eye, whose entity becomes hybrid and monstrous, questioning the discursive limits of hegemonic identity. This character crosses various territorial and symbolic borders due to his political exile, which forced him to flee his native Chile to escape violence, and his homosexual condition. All this condemns him to inhabit the margins and to become a monster. As for the theoretical approach of the work, it recovers the contributions of sociologists such as Berumen, Delfino, Germani and Park to the concepts of border and marginality, which enter into dialogue with the reflections of Negri and Giorgi on the monster.


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How to Cite

Liu, S., & Bukhalovskaya, A. (2024). Boundaries and Margins: A Reading of Roberto Bolaño’s Short Story ´El Ojo Silva´. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, (10), 113–126.


