Rodrigo de Zayas’ “Opposite Writing”: a Plural Identity


  • M.ª Carmen Molina Romero Universidad de Granada, España



French Writing, Arabic Writing, mise en abyme, Temporality, Rodrigo de Zayas, La Brigue et le talion


The article analyzes in the novel La Brigue et le talion the “scripture contrary” of Rodrigo de Zayas. Writing double and mise en abyme, through an expression in French language the reader has access to both a moorish story and a judeo-christian story that show the traumatic past of this three communities that lived in al-Ándalus. Historical time, chronological time and mythical time combine to demonstrate that history repeats itself.


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How to Cite

Molina Romero, M. C. (2014). Rodrigo de Zayas’ “Opposite Writing”: a Plural Identity. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, (1), 91–103.


