The Acceptance of the Offer in Spanish and Arabic: Empirical Analysis
Speech Acts, Acceptance, Offer, Peninsular Spanish, Egyptian ArabicAbstract
Our goal is to analyse the role of social distance and power in the formulation of the speech act of acceptance of offers in Peninsular Spanish and Egyptian Arabic. For the collection of data, we rely on the instrument of role-playing. Our participants are young Egyptians and Spaniards, men and women, with a medium-high socio-cultural level. The most significant results indicate that there is a phase of rejection-insistence in the intervention of the Egyptians, regardless of the degree of relationship between the speakers. In Spanish, this phase only appears in cases of close relationship. Although the configuration of acceptance is more similar in the two languages in the latter case, there are still other divergences that separate Egyptians and Spaniards when it comes to formulating this act. The data obtained might be useful for the teaching of Spanish and Arabic as foreign languages.
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