Pragmatic Transference Processes of Moroccan Arabic in the Peninsular Spanish Acquisition. The Greetings’ Domain


  • María del Carmen Vicente Molinero IES “Pedro Cerrada”, España
  • María del Carmen Horno-Chéliz Universidad de Zaragoza, España



Pragmatics, Acquisition, Spanish as Foreign Language, Native Speakers of Arabic Language, Greetings


This paper analyzes the linguistic-pragmatic behavior of ELE learners whose first language is Moroccan Arabic with regards to greetings. The aim of this research is to investigate if there are significant differences in this context among them and the native peninsular Spanish speakers. With this purpose, we have interviewed them and the answers have been categorized and compared by Fisher Test. As a result of this investigation, we have found several differences based on the influence of L1. We have seen that, in asymmetrical situations, explicit instruction in the classroom and the creation of new materials is crucial. The differences obtained can lead to other problems of coexistence in multicultural environment.


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How to Cite

Vicente Molinero, M. del C., & Horno-Chéliz, M. del C. (2016). Pragmatic Transference Processes of Moroccan Arabic in the Peninsular Spanish Acquisition. The Greetings’ Domain. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, (3), 141–163.


