Gender, Power and Discourse in Francoist Spain: the Femenine Affair, the Question of Power and the Narrative Praxis in Some Works of Juan Benet


  • Adriana Minardi Universidad de Buenos Aires – CONICET, Argentina



Femenine Affair, Political Praxis, Narrative, Performance, Juan Benet


Based on the following question: Are there gender social subjects before the regulations that give meaning to their constitution in a social setting? (Betancourth, 2010), we propose to investigate the performative value of the regulatory gender issue (Butler, 2006) that takes place through the argumentative functions in the narrative of Juan Benet under the context of Francoism (1939-1975). We understand that the feminine affair operates as cross-category to the creation of an imaginary atlas, called Region, which channels in different types of women, a clearly pose on ideological antithesis to the national Catholic draft of women's section of the Falange and of Catholic Action, also seen in the Developmentalism during the fifties .


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How to Cite

Minardi, A. (2016). Gender, Power and Discourse in Francoist Spain: the Femenine Affair, the Question of Power and the Narrative Praxis in Some Works of Juan Benet. Dirāsāt Hispānicas. Tunisian Journal of Hispanic Studies, (3), 23–38.


